Veterans In Need is a well known & popular resource website which is owned and managed by the Forces Online charity.  The charity provides funding and staff to maintain the website, working tirelessly to keep all of the information up to date for Veterans, Families, members of the Armed Forces, Communities, Businesses & Charities up and down the country...

If you see information on the website that you feel is incorrect or out of date, please help us and others by using our Contact-Us page to let us know.  If you are in need of help and can't find the help or information you need, please click on the image above and a new page will open taking you to the Forces Online charity website...

The Official

Veterans In Need Website

Help & Information For:

Veterans, Families, Armed Forces,

Civilian Communities & Businesses

Veterans In Need website, has NO affiliation or connection to the website: Veterans-In-Need Ltd We NEVER collect Money or Products from Stands in Shopping Centres, Supermarkets, Public Places or make collections to or from Foodbank's.  If you experience anyone doing this, please ask to see their Photographic Identification & Certificates which are provided by the Charity Commission.  If they can NOT provide this information, please report them to the Police As Soon As Possible... 

Do NOT give them anything...

Thank you for your continued support:..

Veterans In Need Organisation


Forces Online Charity

We're trying to put an end to homelessness amongst veterans in this country, who are constantly being put to the back of the queue when it comes to accommodation requests.

We wish to see a Stepping Stones Program where during the Resettlement phase of a service persons career, they are guided and assisted back into the civilian population from start to finish.

On this website, you'll find loads of Help & Information, Application Forms, Useful Links, Documents, Contact Information, Businesses, Finance, Books, Medal Mounting, Tailoring & details about Addiction and Rehabilitation.

We've an excellent Families  page too, providing essential help & information about Physical & Sexual Abuse, Children's & other Support Services.


Mental Health matters for us all and we have to make sure that everyone is aware of all of the Help & Information that is available...

The Legend On The Bench Charity is a Suicide Prevention charity that is raising funds to install illuminated Help & Information Benches in all of the public parks up & down the country...

Please show your support by visiting their website & sharing it with others, this is one of the best Suicide Prevention Initiatives of today...

You can find full details for help & assistance with regard to Suicide Prevention, including Emergency contact numbers to call for Help on the website.

Regarding the process to obtain help for PTSD & other Mental Health issues, please visit our Help & Info  page.  You'll find the link to receive treatment with FORCES ONLINE CHARITY & NHS Op Courage.



Veterans In Need is a Non Profit organisation which is owned by the FORCES ONLINE CHARITY, who supports many great and exciting causes.  Since being formed in 2018, we have been fighting to put an end to homelessness amongst veterans and other members of the community, no matter what their current circumstances are.

The Government introduced a new Help & Assistance package called "Op Fortitude" for the Armed Forces community, and £8.5M was allocated to put an end to homelessness.  The telephone number to get in touch with Op-Fortitude is as follows:  0800 952 0774

Should you require urgent help and assistance, please do get in touch with us and we'll do our best to help with all matters.  We have been negotiating with some of the country's biggest outdoor / adventure training stockists, to see if they can provide emergency camping equipment for use as a temporary measure, by issuing a voucher to individuals whilst awaiting permanent accommodation.

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